Sourdough Basics

Sourdough Basics

Sourdough Basics


Join us to learn the basics of sourdough bread. You will have the chance to learn how to start your own sour dough along with a sour dough starter.

Campbell County Extension Office 3500 Alexandria Pike Highland Heights, KY 41076
Campbell County Cooperative Extension 859-572-2600

Last Revised: Mar 3rd, 2025

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Event Description

Join us to learn the basics of sourdough bread. You will have the chance to learn how to start your own sour dough along with a sour dough starter. Please do not forget to bring a large bowl with a lid and an apron.

This program is only for new participants to sourdough basics and we require you to be 18 years or older. Please bring your own large bowl with a lid and an apron. The bowl needs to be big enough to store your dough in.


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Contact Information

3500 Alexandria Pike Highland Heights, KY 41076-1705

(859) 572-2600